Education Advisors Needed
NASA funded Eclipse Soundscapes: Citizen Science Project (ES:CSP) is looking for formal and informal educators to be Education Advisors. ES:CSP’s goal is to create an engaging, accessible, and inclusive way for people to engage with solar eclipse before, during, and after they occur! This includes developing ways for participants to engage in a NASA study on eclipse effects on Earth alongside scientists as citizen scientists who learn about eclipses, observe, and collect data and also via formal companion lesson plans for educators to use. As an Education Advisor you will be directly involved in the review of both formal and informal learning resources being developed by ES:CSP.
All Advisory Board Meetings are virtual and done outside standard school hours. A one-year commitment is requested; April 2023 – April 2024. In gratitude for participation, we are offering each Education Advisory Board member a $100 Visa gift card as well as one free eclipse soundscapes citizen science kit to utilize during the 2023 Annular solar eclipse and/or the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.
Education Advisor Role Description
- Virtual Communications (Slack Channel) – Join and participate in a dedicated slack channel for quick communication and Q&A/discussions as they come up.
- Virtual Meetings: Attend Virtual Advisory Board Meeting with project team and/or Advisory council (2-4 times per year)
- Agenda provided 2 weeks prior
- Scheduling determined based on the majority’s scheduling needs as determined by a doodle(or similar) poll
- Review & provide feedback on learning resources via the virtual meetings, slack, or via Google forms (or similar)
Additional Information
As an Education Advisor you will be directly involved in the review of both formal and informal learning resources being developed by the NASA funded Eclipse Soundscapes: Citizen Science Project (ES:CSP). ES:CSP’s goal is to create an engaging, accessible, and inclusive way for people to engage with solar eclipse before, during, and after they occur! This includes developing ways for participants to engage in a NASA study on eclipse effects on Earth alongside scientists as citizen scientists who learn about eclipses, observe, and collect data and also via formal companion lesson plans for educators to use.
ES:CSP will offer informal learning opportunities through citizen science and formal education companion lessons – all created with accessibility and inclusion in mind. As such we welcome educators who work in both formal and informal learning environments and with communities and learners who have diverse needs. This project is for everyone, with a special effort to make it more inclusive for members of the blind and low vision community, multilingual learners, and members of Spanish speaking communities. So educators that are members of these communities and/or work closely with these communities will provide an important perspective and are encouraged to apply.
Application Form & Resume Submission