Educator Resources
The Eclipse Soundscapes (ES) Project is an informal education project. The various ES roles are great opportunities for families, science clubs, and others to participate in NASA eclipse science! As an educator, you can support your students and their families with classroom lessons and activities that will prepare your students to be ES Apprentices and Observers in or outside the classroom – depending on whether or not school is in session on eclipse day! Check out the Observer curriculum below!
This page includes many free eclipse-related lesson plans that are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and have been created in collaboration with classroom teachers. The lessons include a lesson plan, slides, handouts, and various differentiation tips and scaffolded resources that support multilingual learners at various English proficiency levels. This page also includes other amazing space science related lessons and educational resources!
We continue to add lessons. So please bookmark this page and check-in regularly!
Observer Role Curriculum
Lesson Plans that complement the ES Observer role
Lesson Plan: What and When is Solar Eclipse Maximum?
Lesson Plan: Nature during a Solar Eclipse
Lesson Plan: Multi-sensory Observing
We want to hear from you! If you used any of the Observer curriculum, please submit feedback via a short survey! Receiving feedback or just knowing that it was used via this form helps us gather impact information and creates more funding opportunities to create more free materials like this.
"Do Now" Activities
The first step in a great lesson is a “Do Now”– a short activity that you have written on the board or that is waiting for students as they enter. It often starts working before you do. While you are greeting students at the door, or finding that stack of copies, or erasing the mark-ups you made to your overhead from the last lesson, students should already be busy, via the Do Now with scholarly work that prepares them to succeed. In fact, students entering your room should never have to ask themselves, “What am I supposed to be doing?” That much should go without saying. The habits of a good classroom should answer, “You should be doing the Do Now, because we always start with the Do Now.” (“Do Now” Explanation Source: Teach Like a Champion, 2023)
DO NOW: Multi-sensory Eclipse Observations
All Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan: Multi-sensory Observing
Lesson Plan: Nature during a Solar Eclipse
Lesson Plan: What and When is Solar Eclipse Maximum?
Lesson Plan: What is a Solar Eclipse
We want to hear from you! If you used any of these lesson plans or resources, please submit feedback via a very short form! It should only take less than 5 minutes!
Additional Educator Resources

Kingdom in Peril
Lunar & Solar Eclipses
Explore the arrangement of the Sun, Earth, Moon system, and inclination of the Moon’s orbit necessary to generate solar and lunar eclipses. Determine the likelihood of observing these phenomena. Share your eclipse knowledge with your kingdom, preventing a revolt and saving it from attack. Episode 1: Celestial Bodies Episode | 2: Red Moon Rebellion | Episode 3: Darkest Day (Created, Developed, & Shared by Infiniscope)

Phases of the Moon
Explore the phases of the Moon in this cool 80’s retro style experience featuring your AI friend LuCIA. Use a model to identify inaccuracies in LuCIA’s coding. Sequence a variety of Moon phase diagrams to “Reprogram” her code. Test the new code to improve the clarity of the galaxy image and reprogram her until a clear image is achieved. (Created, Developed, & Shared by Infiniscope)