What Does an Eclipse Sound Like?
In their “innovation” section, the Smithsonian published this feature length story featuring interviews with the Eclipse Soundscapes and National Center for Accessible Media teams.
May 7, 2020
What’s Your Game Plan for the Great American Eclipse?
Science Friday covered the Eclipse Soundscapes project in educational engagement materials and in a live radio broadcast featuring Dr. Winter the Friday before the eclipse.
May 7, 2020
Help Make History: Eclipse Projects for Citizen Scientists
The Eclipse Soundscapes project is also included in this collection of eclipse-based citizen science projects, and includes information from Dr. Winter on the sound database and objectives of the app.
May 6, 2020
Citizen scientists chase total solar eclipse
This round up of citizen science projects surrounding the 2017 eclipse includes Eclipse Soundscapes and stresses the importance of including diversity in scientific endeavors.
May 6, 2020