Volunteer Science:ES Observer Role
The lesson plans in the Observer Curriculum have been designed to help prepare students by equipping them with the scientific observation skills and vocabulary they will need to be Eclipse Soundscapes Observers. Now they are ready to participate as ES Observers. Below are two handouts to send home with your students to guide them in this activity:
To help take effective notes, we recommend using the Eclipse Soundscapes Field Notes handout on Eclipse day.
Post Eclipse Day - Data Literacy Classroom Activity
We hope you will encourage your students to submit their observations online to the Eclipse Soundscapes Project as it it is very valuable to the science of the eclipse soundscapes project! And, anyone who submits their observations will receive a downloadable ES Observer certificate!
One way to support your students in submitting their observations to the Eclipse Soundscapes project while also helping them improve practical web-form related data literacy skills is to add a post-eclipse ES Observer activity!
You could have your students bring their eclipse observation notes to school after the eclipse. Together you and your students could discuss their observations! Then your students could utilize their notes to fill out the online observation submission web form! All ES Observers should submit their observations on the ES Observer page.
ES Observers Under 13
ES Observers under 13 years old will not be asked for their name or email address. The latitude and longitude entry is optional for people under 13 and only allowed if completed with the guidance of an adult.
We want to hear from you! If you used either of these activity ideas or any of these resources, please submit your feedback via a short survey!