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No Opportunities at this Time
Unfortunately we do not have any positions to fill at the current time.
Please check back soon as we are always working on new projects to make the universe of learning accessible and engaging for everyone.
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Freelance Web Developer
Freelance Web Developer
Eclipse Soundscapes: Freelance Web Developer | Posted: November 2020
Introduction & Background
ARISA Lab, LLC, is looking for quotes from web developer working as independent contractors (1099) for two projects relating to the the Eclipse Soundscapes website. All work is to be done remotely.
The first project is to implement a Spanish language version of the already existing Eclipse Soundscapes website (www.eclipsesoundscapes.org) in a Drupal CMS, set-up automated traffic reports, and contribute to written documentation on work performed. All translations will be provided,
This second project is to implement a database interface based on a previously designed UI, that will be hosted on the already existing Eclipse Soundscapes website (www.eclipsesoundscapes.org) using a Drupal CMS. The developer will also create and implement a “sunset plan” for an interface to retrieve data from cold storage after the project’s completion, and provide written documentation on all work performed.
Developers can provide a quote for either or both of these projects. If bidding on both projects please submit two separate statements of work with quotes. Detailed instructions and lists of deliverables are below.
Application Instructions
Independent contractors should submit the following to vendors@arisalab.org.
- Cover letter – Please highlight and provide examples of relevant experience
- Resume as an independent contractor or capability statement as a company
- Quote – Include cost per deliverable. See Statement of Work and Deliverables.
Statement of Work and Deliverables: Project #1, Eclipse Soundscapes: Bilingual Mobile Application Website
Deliverable 1: Spanish Language Site | Quote |
Description: Implement a Spanish language version of the existing Eclipse Soundscapes website (www.eclipsesoundscapes.org) in a Drupal CMS. All translations will be provided. |
Deliverable 2: Automated Reports | Quote |
Description: Set-up automated traffic reports and dashboard. | |
Deliverable 3: Documentation | Quote |
Description: Contribute to webpage documentation based on above work |
Deliverable 4: Hourly Consulting Rate | Quote |
Description: Consulting/hourly rate for minor website updates |
Statement of Work and Deliverables: Project #2, Eclipse Soundscapes: Citizen Science Project
Deliverable 1: UI/Database Integration | Quote |
Description: Implement a previously designed UI (User Interface) for an existing SQL database interface on a Drupal site for active use during project |
Deliverable 2: Sunset Plan | Quote |
Description: Create and implement a sunset plan for web interface to provide access cold storage digital data |
Deliverable 3: Documentation | Quote |
Description: Contribute to webpage documentation based on above work |
Deliverable 4: Hourly Consulting Rate | Quote |
Description: Consulting/hourly rate for minor website updates |
by admin
Lindsay Yazzolino
Lindsay Yazzolino
Writer, Editor, Web Producer, and Social Media Specialist
Lindsay is an accessible technology consultant with particular interests in developing “hand-catching” tactile interfaces and in promoting hands-on science engagement. As a lifelong science enthusiast who has been totally blind since birth, she leverages her inherent nonvisual expertise to collaborate with ARISA Lab scientists, artists, and museum professionals to develop products designed to be experienced through touch and sound. Lindsay has spent several years as a cognitive neuroscience research coordinator, and continues to assist researchers with running studies of cognitive abilities in blind individuals such as braille reading, language, and mathematical proficiency.
by admin
Kelsey Perrett
Kelsey Perrett
Writer, Editor, Web Producer, and Social Media Specialist
Kelsey Perrett is a Massachusetts-based freelance writer, editor, web producer, and social media specialist. She enjoys writing about travel, health and fitness, and the environment. When she isn’t writing, she can be found outside exploring trails, at the gym/yoga studio, or attempting to conquer an ever-expanding reading list. Kelsey Perrett is the author of the guidebook Moon New England Hiking.
by admin
Miles Gordon
Miles Gordon
Multimedia Developer
Miles Gordon is an audio engineer and multimedia developer currently based in Honolulu. In addition to working on museum installations and accessible media applications, he has been involved in the development of several video games and the creation of several albums.
by admin
Arlindo Goncalves
Arlindo Goncalves
iOS Developer
Arlindo Goncalves is an iOS developer from Brockton, Massachusetts, who graduated from University of Massachusetts, Boston with a degree in Computer Science. He enjoys developing applications that help schools and other institutions engage youth, making education a focal point in their lives. In his free time, Arlindo enjoys playing soccer and cooking for his family and friends.
by admin