Field Notes
What are field notes? Why are they important?
Watch or Listen and Learn:
Lesson Video
Coming soon
Video Description coming soon
The video uses descriptive text, imagery, and closed captions. So you can listen, watch or read about the stages – or use all three together, whatever helps you learn best!
Discussion / Notes:
field notes discussion question coming soon
January 24, 2023
Baseline Data
What is baseline data? Why is it important?
Watch or Listen and Learn:
Lesson Video
Coming soon
Video Description coming soon
The video uses descriptive text, imagery, and closed captions. So you can listen, watch or read about the stages – or use all three together, whatever helps you learn best!
Discussion / Notes:
baseline data discussion question coming soon
January 24, 2023
Total Solar Eclipse Phases
Total Solar Eclipse Phases
Watch or Listen and Learn:
Lesson Video
Coming soon
During a total solar eclipse the moon will pass in front of the sun and block the sun completely during the maximum phase called totality. During totality the sun appears to be a smooth black disc with petals of light! This video will explain the stages of a total solar eclipse that lead up to the maximum phase and follow it.
The video uses descriptive text, imagery, and closed captions. So you can listen, watch or read about the stages – or use all three together, whatever helps you learn best!
Discussion / Notes:
How would you describe totality, also known as the maximum phase of a total solar eclipse?
January 24, 2023
Eclipse Maximum
What is Eclipse Maximum?
Watch or Listen and Learn:
Lesson Video
Coming soon
Video Description coming soon
The video uses descriptive text, imagery, and closed captions. So you can listen, watch or read about the stages – or use all three together, whatever helps you learn best!
Discussion / Notes:
eclipse maximum discussion question coming soon
January 24, 2023
Free Kit Info
Free ES Data Collector Kit Info
The Eclipse Soundscapes (ES) Project provides ES Data Collector kits to some of its partners, such as NASA at My Library. It also opens applications for groups and individuals to apply to receive a free kit to collect data during one of the upcoming solar eclipses. To apply you must be 18 years old or older and on or near (within 70%+) of the Eclipse Path. You can use the ES Solar Eclipse Look-up tool to determine if you are near or on the eclipse path or maps in the Resources section to figure this out.
Free Kit Application
April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Free Kit Application Period: 10/23/2023-1/31/2024
We will contact you via email in early February to let you know if you will receive a free kit.
Free Kit Availability
The number of free kits available is limited. Free kit disbursement will be based on need, location, and date of application. We hope that anyone who does not receive a free kit will have the ability to build their own. In an effort to support this as an option the Eclipse Soundscapes team has intentionally chosen an audio recorder that is the least expensive scientific grade audio recorder we could find in addition to readily available materials.
Kit Components

- 1 AudioMoth Recorder
- 1 plastic bag with a zip top lock
- 3 long plastic zip ties
- 1 padded return envelope (postage included)
- 3 AA batteries
- 1 64 GB MicroSD Card (Already installed in AudioMoth in ES provided devices)
December 16, 2022
Annular Eclipse Phases
Annular Eclipse Phases
Watch or Listen and Learn:
During an annular solar eclipse the moon will pass in front of the sun and block its center during the maximum phase making the sun appear to be a glowing ring of fire! This video will explain the stages of an annular eclipse that lead up to the maximum phase and follow it.
The video uses descriptive text, imagery, and closed captions. So you can listen, watch or read about the stages – or use all three together, whatever helps you learn best!
Discussion / Notes:
How would you describe annularity, also known as the maximum phase of an annular eclipse?
December 16, 2022
Observing with All of Your Senses
Observing with All Senses
Watch or Listen and Learn:
Discussion / Notes:
Sit or stand quietly and observe. What did you hear? see? feel?
Return to Field Researcher Training: Part
December 14, 2022