Eclipse Soundscapes Project: Bringing NASA Science to the Blind and Low-Vision Community
AGU 2024: Poster ED41B-06
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is a global community dedicated to advancing Earth and space sciences for the benefit of humanity. With over 60,000 members from more than 140 countries, AGU fosters collaborative research, education, and outreach to address critical scientific challenges. This poster, presented at AGU 2024, showcases the Eclipse Soundscapes Project, a NASA-funded participatory science initiative designed to make eclipse-related science accessible and inclusive for all. For more information about this poster presentation, visit the AGU website by clicking on ES Poster information on the AGU website.
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Poster Abstract
The Eclipse Soundscapes Project is a NASA-funded participatory science project that engages the general public in doing eclipse-related science alongside scientists. The project focuses on ensuring that as many people as possible can participate by considering accessibility and inclusion at every stage of the project and by focusing on multisensory aspects of solar eclipses, rather than only visuals. This multisensory messaging, coupled with an intentional focus on ensuring Blind and Low-Vision (BLV) accessibility for every aspect of the project, including offline and online materials. This talk will focus on how we worked with our partners at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, and the National Federation of the Blind to ensure that our online and physical resources were accessible and share our lessons learned about how to meaningfully engage the blind and low-vision community in NASA science.