Month: April 2023
DO NOW: Multi-sensory Eclipse Observations

Multi-sensory Eclipse Observations
Created in collaboration with Tracey Kline, Lynn Public Schools, Lynn, MA
Grades 6-8, NGSS: MS-ESS1-1 Earth’s Place in the Universe
- Watch both videos
- Use what you learn from both videos to brainstorm answers to the questions below.
- Discuss your answers with a partner, or as a class.
Video 2
What do Animals do During a Solar Eclipse?
Length: 1:16

Answer these questions In your notebook or on a piece of paper:
1. How would you observe animals or your environment during a solar eclipse using all of your senses?
- What would you listen for?
- What would you look for?
- What would you try to feel/touch
2. Recording the information you gather during your observations is important. How or where are you going to record your information?

Wrap-up: Discuss answers and ideas with a partner and/or as a class.
Do Now Resources
- “Multi-sensory Observing Do Now” Google Slides (2 options): When you open this link you will be prompted to make a copy of the Google slides. This will allow you to edit either of these slide options to best meet the needs of your classroom.
- “Multisensory Observing Do Now” Handout (Google Doc): When you open this link you will be prompted to make a copy of the Google document. This will allow you to edit the Google document to best meet the needs of your classroom. [Students will need to use a mobile device with this handout to watch videos.]
- Technology Modification Option: If students do not have ipads, chromebooks, mobile devices etc, videos can be played to the whole class from the website and then followed by the brainstorm activity in their notebooks.